A Para Pro Product Review for Flea Market Flipper

Flea Market Flipper: All You Need to Know (Complete Review)

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👋 Are you a paraeducator looking to supplement your low salary? It's hard to support your family on the para salary alone, right? You've started flipping small household items but are having a hard time making them work. 🤔 Well, let me introduce you to Flea Market Flipper.

The amazing couple behind Flea Market Flipper, Rob & Melissa Stephenson, will have you making your para pay, if not more, in no time! Get started today by grabbing their helpful freebie: 47 Household Items to Resell! 👇

Flea Market Flipper Review by A Para Pro - 47 Household Items to Sell Freebie

Flea Market Flipper At a Glance

What is Flea Market Flipper?

⭐️⭐️ A friendly guide to flipping household items! ⭐️⭐️

Flipping household items is a great way to make some extra money! This guide will show you how to get started, it's got you covered step by step! Here's what you'll learn:

  • How to start flipping and sourcing your items
  • How to photograph, describe, and post your items
  • How to sell and ship your items

Most importantly, you'll learn how to have fun and make some extra cash while doing it! 😊

Who created Flea Market Flipper?

The hustler behind Flea Market Flipper is Rob Stephenson, who has been flipping since 1996! Yup, that's around when eBay started. Later Melissa married into the business and soon after their little blessings got involved in the family business.

Who are Rob & Melissa Stephenson?

Rob comes from a large family, where visiting thrift stores and garage sales is a way of life. He started selling NordicTracks on eBay with his sister. They could buy a NordicTrack for $20-$30 and sell it for $200-$500!

Melissa married into the flipping lifestyle almost 13 years ago. Throughout their whole marriage, it has been their ‘extra’ money used for vacations, Christmas gifts, and unexpected bills.

Life forced them to go full-time flipping in 2015 when Rob lost his job's health benefits while Melissa was pregnant with baby #3.

Now, this beautiful family earns a full-time salary by buying items cheap at flea markets and selling them for big money on eBay.

What do you get with Pro Flipper U?

Through Flipper U Flea Market Flipper offers 3 levels of learning:

  1. Pro Flipper – Beginner & Intermediate
  2. Pro Flipper Plus – Beginner and Intermediate with Freight Shipping Add-On
  3. ReSell Workshops (each workshop sold separately)

This amazing Pro Flipper access comes with  

  • Cliff Notes
  • Click by Click Video Content
  • Step by Step Written Content
  • Places to Start Sourcing Items
  • How to set up PayPal
  • How to Set up and Sell on eBay
  • How to Describe Items
  • Basic Shipping
  • Handling Refunds and Returns
  • Keeping Inventory and Staying Organized
  • Updates Included

I also highly recommend the freight shipping add-on since you get additional insight on shipping which is how Rob and Melissa yield their high returns with their flips.

How long does it take to complete?

🤔That depends on you and your mindset. 💪If you are determined and focused you can finish it in 2 weeks. However, it is wonderfully self-paced with lifetime access and free future updates so you can work as much or as little as you like. Plus, the videos are short and to the point for quick wins! Yay!

Key Takeaway

Flea Market Flipper U is a self-paced, short video, and quick wins beginner course for new flippers. The course teaches the fundamentals of flipping items through a series of videos, written content, and various resources so you can start making your first profit.

The Stephensons are beyond generous with all the amazing bonuses they placed throughout the Pro Flipper course. 

Flea Market Flipper Pros and Cons


  • Quick Wins
  • Short video tutorials
  • Easy to Implement
  • Active Facebook Group
  • Refunds or Moneyback Guarantee


  • Long Course – Lots of information
  • Pricey


A Para Pro Product review: Flea Market flipper freebie. 7 day video series

Why Should You Listen to Me

I became a flipper after I had my baby. My husband and I were living in a small condo on the outskirts of Chicago and with the baby, it was getting cramped. I started decluttering and posting our excess household items on Craigslist to make some extra cash. But it was never enough to take a vacation as Rob and Melissa did to Ireland.

But then I got my hands on Flea Market Flipper and everything changed! Rob and Melissa gave me the confidence to start shipping items. I didn't get the freight add-on because it wasn't available when I first got Flea Market Flipper, but I am currently making a lot more money and don't have to meet strangers in person to do it. Thanks, Rob and Melissa!


A Para Pro Product review: Flea Market flipper reviews

Favorite Feature: Inventory Spreadsheet

Since I was a mom selling here and there having an inventory spreadsheet wasn't a thought. Instead, I would create an area in my house where I would put the items I wanted to sell until it became too much and only sell a few items and donate the rest.

But little did I know that having my inventory in a spreadsheet not only motivated me to keep selling items but it kept me organized. I knew what I was selling, for how much, and where in the flipping process the item is currently. It made flipping more of a business than a pass time. So start creating your flipping inventory with Flea Market Flippers 47 Household Items to ReSell.

A Para Pro Product review: Flea Market flipper freebie. 47 Household Items to Resell

Super Simple for the Busy, Non-Techie Para

Another favorite of Flea Market Flipper is that you don't need a lot of techs. With your phone and a printer, you can start selling today! If you are nervous about eBay or another resell platform Rob and Melissa have step-by-step, click-by-click guides to help you feel like an expert in no time.

Flea Market Flipper Pricing

Their prices may seem a bit high at first, but just think about all the time you'll save by not having to search for this information yourself! Melissa and Rob have already done all the heavy work for you, and they're happy to share their skills so you can get results as quickly as possible. 🙂

Are there different price options?


  • You can get Beginner and Intermediate Access for $497
  • You can get Beginner, Intermediate, and Freight Access for $897
  • Additional Workshops Are Sold Individually and Prices Vary from $27-$97

Where can you get the best price?

Flea Market Flipper U is only open for enrollment at different times throughout the year. So join the waitlist so you can get access to the best price.

Is there a money-back guarantee or refunds offered?

Flea Market Flipper offers a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee if you’ve gone through the course, applied its principles, and completed its return policy terms and conditions.

How much does it cost?

Flea Market Flipper starts at $497 for Beginner and Intermediate Access.

A Para Pro Flea Market Flipper Review Pinterest Pin

Should You Invest in Flea Market Flipper?

If you're looking for a flipping course to guide you step-by-step to get you started flipping items and making money, then Flea Market Flipper is perfect for you!

Get your free 47 Household Items to Sell while it's still free, get on the waitlist to get early access and invest in yourself and start flipping today! You won't regret it! 🙂

Flea Market Flipper Competitors

There's no denying that the Flea Market Flipper course is one of the most popular and well-known ways to learn how to make money by flipping items from flea markets and garage sales. However, it's not the only way to learn this valuable skill. There are several other great options out there for those who want to learn how to make money by flipping items from flea markets and garage sales.

There are a few big players in the flea market flipping business, including Udemy, Coursera, and YouTube. These companies are all well-established and have a lot of experience in the industry.


One of the leading online course providers. They have a wide selection of courses on a variety of topics, including flea market flipping. Their courses are reasonably priced and they offer a lot of value for the money.


Another big player in the online course market. They offer a wide variety of courses, including many on business and entrepreneurship. Their courses are a bit more expensive than Udemy's, but they offer a lot of value for the money.


A great resource for flea market flippers. There are a lot of helpful videos on YouTube that can teach you the ropes. The best part about YouTube is that it's free! You can watch as many videos as you want and learn from the pros.


Several great books can teach you the basics of flipping items from flea markets and garage sales.

These resources are typically shorter and less expensive than the Flea Market Flipper course, making them a great option for those who want to learn the basics without spending a lot of money.

If you're serious about starting your own flea market flipping business, you'll need to be prepared to compete with the big players and Rob and Melissa with Flea Market Flipper U will help you do just that! You just need to put in the work to be successful.

Pinterest pin from A Para Pro for Flea market Flipper Review.

Who is Flea Market Flipper Right For?

💰 Want to make some extra cash? Flea Market Flipper is perfect for paraeducators looking to begin a flexible side hustle at no cost. You can get started with just your phone and a printer. Plus, Flipper U is all about making money with stuff you already own, and as you improve your skills you can start investing in your inventory.

It is for driven individuals willing and ready to do the work.

It is for individuals who have tried and failed in flipping items and are looking for a breakthrough. Flea Market Flipper U will get you making sales!

Who Should Avoid Flea Market Flipper?

If you're looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, this isn't the course for you. Flipping household items takes hard work and dedication. But if you're willing to put in the effort, Rob and Melissa can show you how to be successful. 🙂

Courses for Intermediate and Advanced Flippers?

If you are already established your flipper, Rob and Melissa have intermediate courses like Sourcing Workshop, or check out her free 47 Household Items to Resell and start selling today!

A Para Pro Product review: Flea Market flipper freebie. 47 Household Items to Resell

Additionally, if you happen to be more advanced then Rob and Melissa have courses like Furniture Flip & Ship Workshop. Get started today by watching this free webinar.

A Para Pro Product review: Flea Market flipper freebie webinar

Here is a list of additional workshops Flea Market Flipper offers.

Flea Market Flipper Reviews (from other flippers)

Learn More About Flipping

A Para Pro flea market flipper affiliate Christmas challenge.

The last thing you need to know about Flea Market Flipper

The Flea Market Flipper U course is a great way for paraeducators looking to supplement the low para salary to get started in the world of flipping items for profit. So if you're looking for a comprehensive guide to flipping items for profit, then you need to check out Flea Market Flipper U. This course is packed with valuable information and resources, and the Stephensons are incredibly generous with their bonuses. This amazing course will teach you the fundamentals of flipping items so you can start making your first profit. At its current price of $497, this course is a steal. So don't wait – you never know when the price will go up again.

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